"Еда. Вино. Любовь" 19 октября

"FOOD.WINE.LOVE." October 19


The Black Market restaurant invites you to the Enogastronomic dinner "FOOD.WINE.LOVE."!

Especially for the dinner, Brand Chef of the iconfood restaurant holding Pavel Larionov prepared a menu of 4 dishes of modern gastronomy, and Brand Chef Pastry Chef Viktor Alexandrov prepared an original dessert. Each dish is accompanied by a glass of selected wine from Simple Wine.
Through the taste and presentation of enogastronomic pairings, we want to convey
- feelings and emotions that a person feels at different stages of his life’s journey. Starting from the first sincere love to unrequited love and a broken heart.

The host of the evening, Maxim Kurokhtin (Brand Ambassador of Simple Wine), will tell you about wine, and the Black Market restaurant will become a guide to the world of modern gastronomy.

Dinner cost for 1 person: 5900 rub.

Dinner date: October 19 (Thursday)

Gathering of guests: 19:00

Start: 19:30

Address: modern gastronomy restaurant Black Market, st. Usacheva 2 art. 1

Phone: +7 (495) 989 04 45